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Travelers complain about sky-high fares – Kabul-Kandahar highway



(Last Updated On: April 19, 2020)

Some travelers of the Kabul-Kandahar highway complain about high ticket prices.

They say that since the restrictions have been imposed on movements, their transports take a stop midway in Maidan Wardak, and they have to pay for another ticket to travel to Kabul.

Although the Ministry of Interior Affairs has banned traveling to Kabul back and forth, people still make trips.

Reportedly, the police do stop vehicles entering Kabul, but only for a short while – allowing drivers to proceed.

Inside Kabul, the situation seems to have returned to normal – people walk around as if there is no such thing as Coronavirus.

The ministries of public health and interior affairs have frequently urged people not to make unnecessary gatherings and/or movements, but people do not follow.

Experts believe that if the restrictions on gatherings and commuting are not observed strictly, Afghanistan will soon face a humanitarian crisis.


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