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Upper house members approve President decree on Election reformation



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)


Senators at the upper house of the parliament have approved the decree of the President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani on Election reformation on Tuesday, most the senators have stated that reformation in Election system in Afghanistan will end the illegitimacy of the Government.

Despite of approving the following decree, some of the issues like having two International supervisors in Election complain Commission, registration of the voters, and 3 years the term of mission for the head of the Election commission were the changes of the legislative committee of the senate house.

Different views were expressed about following decree.

Senator Abdul Rahim Hassanyar said,” if the following decree to be approved, different committees in the upper house approve it, both leaders of National Unity Government  will not be capable to appoint new commissioners even incoming six months.”

“ We don’t have to lose the Nation’s trusts all the people are counting on both houses senator said.”

Finally the members of the upper house of the parliament have approved the following decree.

Senator Mohammad Alam Izadyar said,” Election reformation will end the illegitimacy of the Government, will improve democracy in the country.”

Earlier members at the lower house of the parliament had rejected the following decree.

Reported by Ahmad Farshad Saleh 


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