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US-Afghan Ties to Remain Close as Americans Elect New President



(Last Updated On: October 24, 2022)

US ambassador to Kabul has assured that Afghanistan will be at the top agenda of United State’s new president.

The United States presidential election will not affect the policies of Washington in Afghanistan and the bilateral pacts available between the two countries.

Michael McKinley, US Ambassador to Kabul made his remarks this morning as the US Embassy hosted Afghan journalists as the Americans started voting for the next US President.

“Today I was asked many times what the impacts of these elections would be on US-Afghanistan relations and my answer is always the same, America’s long term commitment to our partnership with Afghanistan was renewed this year in Warsaw and Brussels. The US Afghan relationship will remain strong and and close because it is based not anyone election, leader or party on our common interests, our people to people ties, our shared values that so deeply rooted,” Ambassador McKinely said.

In one of the most shocking U.S. elections in modern political history, Donald Trump has defeated Hillary Clinton.

It is one of the most astonishing victories in American political history. It will leave millions in the US and beyond in shock, wondering what is to come, and asking: how did Donald Trump do it?

Trump was the first reality TV star – and the first non-politician since Dwight Eisenhower – to win the nomination for president of a major political party. He was the first to spend part of his campaign denying sexual assault allegations and clashing with the family of a fallen soldier and a Miss Universe. At 70, he is the oldest person in history to be elected US president, According to the Guardian.


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