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US stresses on Afghan-Pakistan cooperation for regional stability



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

US special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan considers Afghanistan and Pakistan cooperation a need for regional stability.

Richard Olson, US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan says that Kabul- Islamabad should have a friendship relation for security of the region; citing a strong leadership needs to be effective in stability of the region.

“As long as the two sides of borders do not have security, we cannot eliminate extremism groups,” said Richard Olson, US envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

According to Olson National Unity Government leaders have a great leadership but chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of US congress does not consider Olson’s remarks satisfactory.

“We had witnessed many governments came and go but North West Frontier Provinces of Pakistan are still safe haven for terrorist groups and security agencies support terrorist groups,” said Edward Rice.
Taking cognizance of the modern world trends such as renunciation of war, peaceful settlement of disputes and economic development, Pakistan has always played a positive role in regional stability and peace.

In the last few years, while ignoring the responsibilities of the US, ISAF and Afghan regime, US-led NATO powers have continuously been insisting upon Pakistan to ‘do more’ against the militancy in the tribal areas in order to stop cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan.

It is notable that Pakistan has backed stability and peace in the region, as its civil and military officials including diplomats have pointed out on in various global and regional forums.

The United States sees Pakistan as one of the few states with influence over the Taliban, but that influence lies primarily in the military and security services.





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