
Yosuf Kargar Awarded As Big Footballer to Afghanistan



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Officials in Afghanistan Football federation held a ceremony to appreciate the young Foot ball trainers, during the ceremony Yosuf Kargar was introduced as the Big footballer player to Afghanistan football history.

Head of foot ball federation Kiramuddin Kiram has talked about the achievements made by the following department insisted on the future responsibilities to gain more achievements.

Mr. Kargar was awarded for the first time in the history of Football after his team won the south Asian competition cup last year.

After receiving the award he said,”I appreciate the officials in football federation for their hard working and encouraging the football trainers to achieve more success in the future.”

Beside of the distribution of the some of the B and C Trainer licenses given by the Asia football confederation, he has also thanked some of the correspondents and media family members for their supports on the aspects.


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