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300,000 electronic ID cards distributed in past month



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In the past month, 300,000 people have been given electronic IDs via 76 distribution centers across the country, National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) said on Wednesday.

NSIA said in a post on X that the most electronic ID cards distributed in the month was in Kabul province, which totaled 60,000.

According to NSIA, after Kabul, nearly 30,000 electric ID cards were distributed to citizens in Herat, 18,000 in Balkh, 15,000 in Nangarhar, and 14,000 in Kandahar province.

In addition, data relating to over 10,000 people was updated. This included births, marriages, and divorces among others.

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Polio vaccination campaign kicks off across Afghanistan



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The Polio Free Afghanistan organization announced Sunday in a post on X that a polio vaccination campaign will begin Monday and be carried out across Afghanistan.

The organization stated that the campaign will target children under the age of five.

The organization, however, has not specified how long the campaign will run for.

The last polio vaccination campaign in Afghanistan was launched on April 30 of this year, during which about 10 million children under five were vaccinated.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported two positive cases of polio in Kunar and Nuristan provinces this year.

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Over 560 emerald mining permits issued in Panjshir



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Mohammad Qasim Amiri, the director of mines and petroleum of Panjshir, has announced that following the takeover of the Islamic Emirate, illegal extraction and smuggling of minerals in the province has ended and more than 560 emerald mining permits have been issued so far.

In a meeting with the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Amiri stated that more than 10,000 Panjshiris have been provided with job opportunities.

Based on a statement from the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, Amiri requested the ministry to send technical teams to survey mineral deposits in Panjshir province and to issue permits to mine rubies.

In the meeting, Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum Shahabuddin Delawar, stressed the need to prioritize job creation opportunities for the people of Panjshir when issuing permits for both emerald and ruby extractions.

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IEA seeks meaningful participation in UN Doha meeting: Muttaqi



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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) seeks meaningful participation in the third meeting of the United Nations-sponsored conference on Afghanistan in Doha, Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi said.

Muttaqi said this in a meeting with EU’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Tomas Niklasson.

Highlighting the useful discussion held with the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary Anne DiCarlo in Kabul, Muttaqi said that IEA is doing its research on the framework of 3rd Doha meeting, following which it will announce its position, according to a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He said that the policy of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is based on a balanced and positive engagement with all the countries, and it seeks a meaningful participation in the third Doha meeting, which would bear positive results to the Afghan people and in the property of country, the statement said.

Muttaqi said that following 45 years of war and destruction, Afghanistan now has significant positive achievements in various areas.

Meanwhile, Niklasson underlined the importance of the participation of IEA representatives in the third Doha meeting, saying that key issues will be discussed in the meeting, according to the statement.

He also shared his observations concerning the meeting with Muttaqi.

The third Doha meeting on Afghanistan is scheduled to be held on June 30.

IEA had refused to join the previous round of the conference.


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