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Afghan female scholarship recipients pursue education in Kazakhstan



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Ten Afghan females have arrived in Kazakhstan to purse their education, the organization for security and co-operation in Europe (OSCE) regional office said.

According to the office, the group was the recipients of scholarships funded by the European Union (EU).

The office said that after completing online English language classes, they will join the Kazakh-British Technical University, one of Kazakhstan’s top universities to study mining.

“The project runs under a €2 million grant provided by the EU to support Afghan women who strive for higher education. In total, 50 Afghan women will obtain higher, technical, and vocational educational degrees at various universities across Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan by 2025,” the OSCE said.

“Empowering women, via education, creates a vast personal as well as economic impact in that it generates opportunities to realize one’s potential and ability to contribute to their communities upon returning to Afghanistan,” OSCE added.

The first of 30 Afghan women arrived in Kazakhstan in October 2019 and successfully completed language training and enrolled in Bachelor, Master and Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) programs to study agriculture, finance, and mining at Satbayev University, Kazakh-British Technical University, and Kazakh National Agrarian University.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the students are currently taking academic courses online, neweurope news outlet reported.

According to the report, the UNDP in Kazakhstan is an implementing partner of the initiative.

This summer, the project was officially launched in Uzbekistan. Ten Afghan women became scholarship recipients to study Agriculture at The Educational Center for Training Afghan Citizens in Termez (ECTAT).

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Israel seeks to divide Iranians and Afghans: Iran official



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Dawood Masoomi, the deputy of Iran’s National Migration Organization, says that launching psychological operations against Afghan nationals in Iran is the work of enemies.

He accuses Israel of trying to create division between the people of Afghanistan and Iran, adding that people should be careful.

Speaking at a gathering in the city of Karaj, in Iran, Masoomi asked the people to be more careful about conspiracies.

“Israel is trying to create division between the people of Iran and Afghanistan. Today, we should all be careful not to be deceived by the enemy’s intrigues and not to throw water into the enemy’s mill because the enemy seeks to divide and create two factions in the country so that they can achieve their evil goals,” he said.

At the same time, Iran’s Deeds and Properties Registration Organization (IDPRO) has announced an increase in investment by Afghans in the country.

Safdar Keshavarz, the spokesman of IDPRO, told Iranian media that more than 50 percent of foreign companies in Iran are owned by Afghans, which have registered to take over property.

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China and Pakistan urge IEA to fight terrorism ‘firmly’



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China and Pakistan have called on the Islamic Emirate to firmly combat terrorism and not allow Afghanistan’s soil to be used for terrorist acts.

In a joint statement which was released after the five-day visit of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to Beijing, it was stated that the two sides agreed to strengthen communication and coordination on the Afghanistan issue.

They called for concerted efforts of the international community to positively support Afghanistan in properly addressing challenges in such areas as humanitarianism and economic development, encourage the interim government of Afghanistan to build an inclusive political framework, adopt moderate policies, and pursue good-neighborliness.

China and Pakistan also called on the international community to encourage the IEA to firmly combat terrorism, including not allowing its territory to be used for terrorist acts.

Both sides agreed to play a constructive role in helping Afghanistan to achieve stable development and integrate into the international community.

Pakistan has repeatedly claimed that attacks in its soil originate in Afghanistan. Islamabad has claimed that the attack on Chinese engineers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province had been planned in Afghanistan and the perpetrator was an Afghan.

However, the Islamic Emirate has rejected the claims and has always emphasized that it does not allow Afghanistan’s soil to be used against any other country.


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Iranian envoy urges IEA not to see advice as interference



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Iran’s special representative for Afghanistan, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, said on Saturday that advising the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) does not mean interference in its internal affairs, adding that the Tehran meeting was a good platform for the IEA which declined to attend.

Qomi stated this in a press conference after the second meeting of the regional contact group for Afghanistan between the representatives of Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran in Tehran.

The envoy emphasized that no country in the world has acted as much as Iran in supporting the people of Afghanistan and engaging with the Islamic Emirate.

He pointed out that Afghanistan’s neighbors are looking to prepare a “comprehensive road map” for rebuilding the country.

Referring to the first and second UN-sponsored Doha meetings on Afghanistan, Qomi said that what was discussed in the meetings was not something that would help Afghanistan.

He mentioned that one of the issues was the appointment of a special representative by the United Nations for Afghanistan, while UNAMA is present in Afghanistan.

The diplomat also noted that Tehran will help any initiative that paves the way for the Islamic Emirate as a responsible government, but if something is to be imposed or has no result, it will not support it.

He said that efforts are underway to change the agenda of the upcoming third Doha meeting, and the policy is that the Islamic Emirate attend the meeting.

The Islamic Emirate has confirmed that it was invited to the meeting in Tehran, but did not accept it.

Zakir Jalaly, Director of the Third Political Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan, said that the Afghan government expects that meetings on Afghanistan should be held through the existing mechanisms, not new ones.

He added that the Afghan government is engaged in discussions with relevant sides about the upcoming third Doha meeting.

The third Doha meeting on Afghanistan is scheduled to be held on June 30.

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