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Ariana News 8 PM News 4 Dec 2016




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Grandma to be fined unless she edits out photos from Facebook



While one would like to receive limitless likes on social media, a grandmother has been fined if she doesn’t wipe off her grandchildren’s photos from Facebook, a Dutch court rules.

In the Gelderland province of Netherlands, the matter ended up in court after the grandma refused the call to take down the pictures from Facebook and Pinterest, she had posted without her daughter-in-law’s permission.

The court’s ruling has stated the mother’s call as “the children's pictures on social media would seriously violate their privacy.”

The matter was ruled by the judge within the scope of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The ruling writes, “On Facebook, it cannot be ruled out that placed photos could be distributed and that they may come into the hands of third parties."

It orders that if the grandmother does not remove the photos within 10 days, she must pay a penalty of $55 per day that the photos are online, with a maximum penalty of $1,100.

The aim of the GDPR, which came into effect in 2018, is to have control over the way companies use data as per people’s privacy matters.

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Ulema: Eid-ul-Fiter prayers must be practiced as per pertinent guidelines



 The Ulema call on people to practice the Eid-ul-Fiter prayers in line with the guidelines given by the ministries of Hajj and Religious Affairs and Public Health.

In a resolution, the Ulema (religious scholars) asked the imams to shorten the Eid prayer sermons and focus their agenda on ending the war, bringing peace, and healthcare guidance against the Coronavirus.

In addition, the Ulema underline the need for healthcare measures, such as disinfecting the prayer venues, performing the prayers in the open air, keeping distance, and wearing masks.

They also have banned the presence of the infected from joining the congregations.

Aimed to prevent the outbreak of the Coronavirus, they want the people to celebrate the holiday indoors with their families, and seriously avoid in-person socializing such as visits, embracing, hugging, and handshakes.

In the meantime, Baghlan health officials announced that over 60 mosques where the prayers are scheduled to be held Sunday in Pol-e-Khumri, have been disinfected and that the campaign continues in all parts of the province.

The Baghlan police chief has also announced to provide special security for the prayer venues (mosques) and the city.

In Kabul, officials say the city will be completely quarantined during the Eid, and people should stay indoors throughout the days and avoid traveling at all to prevent the spread of the virus.

Meanwhile, the ministry of interior has said this Eid will be a curfew in Kabul and that the police are going to enforce the curfew strictly.

It is noteworthy that the health officials have consistently said that an unprecedented calamity is on its way to hit the nation unless the people abide by the rules of restrictions and follow the health guidelines.

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IED explosion destroys power pylon – Parwan



A pylon of imported electricity was blown up with improvised explosives in Charikar, Parwan province.

Parwan provincial spokesperson Wahida Shahkar said that early this morning, a tower of the imported electricity was blown up by unknown individuals in PD^1 Charikar, Parwan.

She added that the blast was caused by improvised explosive devices (IED), adding that the police had taken two suspects into custody.

According to her, the pylon has not been completely destroyed. Its reconstruction has been taken on, she added.

Lately, infrastructures, be it electricity, bridges, roads, and/or other public service providers have become soft targets for insurgents.

The imported electricity power plants and cables have been often targeted by hostile individuals and groups, causing millions of financial damage to the nation and the state.

It does not stop there; employees and officials of the power and energy sector have also been targeted.

Not long ago, the Parwan commercial deputy of Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat lost his life to an insurgent attack, reportedly a mine blast, and 8 employees of the sector were wounded.

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