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Ghani calls on scholars, civil society to mobilize against extremist actions



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President Ashraf Ghani on Monday called on religious scholars, tribal leaders and civil society to mobilize for rejecting any extremist actions in the country.

While commemorating the international day of Human Rights, President emphasized that extremism is not incompatible with the logic of peace, stability and progress.

Following the recent attacks, now President Ghani considers the mobilization of people the only way to end extremism.

Extremist groups activities in Afghanistan comes at a time when extremism and the violence waged under such ideology, might be at its peak in the country.

At the same time, political deadlocks caused by the struggle over power combined with the failure of the government in the country and the wider region to respond to the legitimate aspirations of people have significantly undermined the government’s legitimacy in the country, thus calling into question the very concept of modern nation states.

Additionally, over the past decade, extremist ideology and violent jihad has been systematically promoted in Afghanistan by regional states, such as Saudi Arabia, Gulf countries, and Pakistan’s powerful military establishment and their proxy groups.

These countries see violent extremism as a strategic instrument to gain leverage in regional politics.

On the other hand, the sectarian struggle of dominance by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Iran have directly and indirectly created the conditions for the growth of extremist ideologies — making Afghanistan more hospitable for ideologies.

Given the fertile ground created by the historical events in Afghanistan, it is no surprise that the extremist groups aims for the smooth and rapid increase of their influence in the country.

Above all, critical tasks lie ahead for the countries in the region themselves. And among them, Afghanistan must treat the matter seriously.
Otherwise, the country may descend into a new abyss of devastating religious and sectarian violence like Iraq and Syria.

Meanwhile, the Human Rights commission in Afghanistan urged the parties to not use civilians as victims of their conflicts.
Reported by Wahid Nawesa




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IEA to attend upcoming UN-sponsored meeting on Afghanistan in Doha

The third UN-sponsored Doha meeting on Afghanistan is scheduled to be held on June 30.



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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) announced on Sunday it will attend the upcoming United Nations-sponsored conference on Afghanistan in Doha.

“A representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will participate in the upcoming Doha meeting and will represent the people and the government of Afghanistan,” said Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman of IEA.

The third UN-sponsored Doha meeting on Afghanistan is scheduled to be held on June 30.

IEA had refused to join the second round of the conference in February when the UN rejected its demand to act as Afghanistan’s sole official representative, according to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.


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Pakistani authorities ban entry of Afghans into Peshawar during Eid and Muharram

“Afghan refugees in Peshawar will face a complete entry ban during Eid-ul-Azha and Muharram,” Capital City Police Chief Qasim Ali Khan said, Pakistan Observer reported.



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Pakistani media have reported that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa authorities have banned Afghan refugees from entering the provincial capital Peshawar during Eid al-Adha as well as Moharram ul Haraam.

“Afghan refugees in Peshawar will face a complete entry ban during Eid-ul-Azha and Muharram,” Capital City Police Chief Qasim Ali Khan said, Pakistan Observer reported.

He added that these measures were taken to ensure security during the religious occasions of Eid al-Adha and Muharram.

According to him, police will re-conduct security audits of sensitive locations and places of worship.

Pakistani officials have repeatedly claimed that attacks in this country are orchestrated in Afghanistan and carried out by Afghans.

The Islamic Emirate, however, has rejected the claim, saying that Afghanistan is not responsible for Pakistan’s security failure.


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German police shoot to death an Afghan man who carried out attack

Police said the assailant, still armed with the same object, also attacked officers called to the scene. Two of the officers shot and wounded the man, who died soon after in a hospital.



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German police shot to death an Afghan man after he fatally attacked a compatriot and later wounded three people watching the televised opening game of the Euro 2024 soccer tournament in eastern Germany, police said Saturday.

The 27-year-old Afghan citizen first attacked a 23-year-old compatriot with a “knife-like object” in Wolmirstedt, a small town about 130 kilometers (80 miles) west of Berlin, on Friday evening, police said. The victim later died of his wounds, the Associated Press reported.

The man later attacked a group of people watching the soccer game between Germany and Scotland in the yard of private house, injuring three German men, two of them seriously, police said.

Police said the assailant, still armed with the same object, also attacked officers called to the scene. Two of the officers shot and wounded the man, who died soon after in a hospital.

Police said the motive for the attacks was unclear. The Interior Ministry in Saxony-Anhalt state, which includes Wolmirstedt, said police had increased their presence across the state. The soccer tournament is taking place in cities across Germany and runs through July 14.


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