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It is the responsibility of all Muslims to cooperate in building the system in Afghanistan: Al-Hanafi



(Last Updated On: September 3, 2023)

Acting Minister of the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, Mohammad Khalid al-Hanafi said in a meeting with the delegation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that it is the responsibility of all Muslims to cooperate in building the system in Afghanistan.

According to a statement released by the ministry, in this meeting, Al-Hanafi said that although they are from different countries, they have one heart and are like brothers.

He said that the Islamic Emirate has the responsibility of building the system and all Muslims should cooperate in this matter.

Al-Hanafi emphasized that vice have been well prevented in Afghanistan and its people cooperate in every area as they did during Jihad.

He asked the scholars to present the real picture of Afghanistan in their countries.

Based on the statement, the scholars in the meeting considered the current situation in Afghanistan as a good opportunity and added that it is a matter of pride that there is a ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, which is an important part of Islam.


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