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Loya Jirga urges govt to release prisoners in order to kick start peace talks



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Afghanistan’s Loya Jirga, or grand council of tribal elders, community leaders, and politicians, on Saturday, urged the government to release the remaining 400 Taliban prisoners so as to move forward with intra-Afghan talks.

The Loya Jirga, called to determine the fate of the prisoners, convened Friday and wrapped up on Saturday. Over 3,200 delegates participated.

The delegates were split up into 50 working committees and discussed the prisoner release issue for two days.

Once each group had made their decision they submitted their recommendations to the Jirga’s administrative board.

All 50 committees recommended government free the 400 controversial prisoners.

Abdullah Abdullah, the head of the High Council of National Reconciliation and the chair of the Loya Jirga, said Saturday that the committees recommended the prisoners be released but that the Jirga would officially “announce the outcome tomorrow.”

“I congratulate all Jirga members divided into 50 working committees for promptly ending their free deliberations. I welcome their input and recommendations as part of this important consultative exercise as we compile & announce the outcome tomorrow,” Abdullah said in a tweet.

Meanwhile, Abdullah said that the direct talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban would begin three days after the end of the Jirga.

“Three days after the end of the jirga, Afghan talks will begin and we are ready to move this process forward properly to end the war in Afghanistan,” Abdullah said.

A readout of their conclusions, seen by Ariana News, indicates that these committees urged the international community, especially the United States, to guarantee the start of intra-Afghan negotiations and a comprehensive ceasefire for the release of prisoners.

In their recommendations, the committees recommended that the government and the High Council of National Reconciliation consider the following points regarding the release of the prisoners and the hoped-for intra-Afghan peace talks:

  1. To achieve lasting and dignified peace, the parties must show the necessary flexibility;
  2. Release 400 remaining Taliban prisoners so that there is no excuse to postpone peace talks;
  3. Unconditional ceasefire shall be established with the release of Taliban prisoners and the parties shall remain committed to it;
  4. Peace talks should begin as soon as possible;
  5. The formation of an all-inclusive national body for peace negotiations capable of defending the values and achievements of the last 19 years;
  6. Afghan-led peace talks should preferably be held in Afghanistan;
  7. The countries involved in the Afghan issue should stop supporting the Taliban and not escalate tensions;
  8. The Taliban should no longer carry out terrorist attacks under the name of ISIS (Daesh);
  9. Prisoners should be released on national and international bail so that they do not rejoin the battlefield;
  10. Guarantee from the international community from the start and success of the talks and the establishment of lasting peace in Afghanistan;
  11. Release prisoners of the country’s security forces in order to prevent the weakening of their national spirit;
  12. Decisively defend the republic and the achievements of the last 19 years in the peace negotiations;
  13. Defend the constitution, especially the second chapter of the constitution and the democratic system in negotiations;
  14. Protect civil liberties and rights enshrined in the Constitution, especially the rights and freedoms of women;
  15. Preserve freedom of speech and freedom of the press;
  16. Share the progress of peace talks with the people of Afghanistan during the talks;
  17. The government must obtain the consent of the families of war victims;
  18. Involve all different sections of society, especially women and youth in the peace negotiating team;
  19. The negotiating team must have the full capacity for dialogue;
  20. Peace agreements under the supervision and guarantee of the United Nations, major world and regional powers;

“All the members of the relevant committees emphasized that the people of Afghanistan have been making sacrifices for years. War has taken a heavy toll on us. To achieve peace and stability and to end the devastating phenomenon of war, we agree to release Taliban prisoners, provided that the international community guarantees the success of the talks and the establishment of lasting peace,” the chairmen of the committees said.

The chairmen added: “Agreeing to release Taliban prisoners does not mean forgiving their crimes. No individual or institution has the right to do so. But achieving peace and stability in the country is a national priority and a public necessity.

“Therefore, to facilitate the success of the peace talks, it is necessary to pave the way for the start of negotiations.”

After submitting the report of the working committees, Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation and Chairman of the Grand Consultative Peace Jirga, meanwhile expressed his gratitude for the patience, comprehensive advice and constructive and comprehensive suggestions made by the members of the Jirga and said: “The High Council for National Reconciliation is very important and we will make great use of it in the negotiations.”

The Speaker of the Grand Consultative Peace Jirga expressed satisfaction with the successful completion of the working committees and said: “Afghanistan is at a critical and historic stage. It is a great success to understand the sensitivity of the situation and to give your advice in the light of the current situation and with the national interest in mind. However, the conditions are not favorable. But what definitely guarantees our victory is our unity.”

Meanwhile, some committees objected to the composition of the current negotiating team, urging the government to reconsider its make up and select new members for the team.

But sources close to the Taliban say that after the release of 400 prisoners, early talks are not possible and the demands of the parties involved have not been finalized.

Sayed Akbar Agha, a former member of the Taliban, said: “The Taliban are waiting for the release of 400 prisoners and the Taliban are ready for Afghan talks, but it is possible that other figures will join the government’s negotiating team and this will not be possible in a short time.”

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Israel seeks to divide Iranians and Afghans: Iran official



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Dawood Masoomi, the deputy of Iran’s National Migration Organization, says that launching psychological operations against Afghan nationals in Iran is the work of enemies.

He accuses Israel of trying to create division between the people of Afghanistan and Iran, adding that people should be careful.

Speaking at a gathering in the city of Karaj, in Iran, Masoomi asked the people to be more careful about conspiracies.

“Israel is trying to create division between the people of Iran and Afghanistan. Today, we should all be careful not to be deceived by the enemy’s intrigues and not to throw water into the enemy’s mill because the enemy seeks to divide and create two factions in the country so that they can achieve their evil goals,” he said.

At the same time, Iran’s Deeds and Properties Registration Organization (IDPRO) has announced an increase in investment by Afghans in the country.

Safdar Keshavarz, the spokesman of IDPRO, told Iranian media that more than 50 percent of foreign companies in Iran are owned by Afghans, which have registered to take over property.

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China and Pakistan urge IEA to fight terrorism ‘firmly’



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China and Pakistan have called on the Islamic Emirate to firmly combat terrorism and not allow Afghanistan’s soil to be used for terrorist acts.

In a joint statement which was released after the five-day visit of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to Beijing, it was stated that the two sides agreed to strengthen communication and coordination on the Afghanistan issue.

They called for concerted efforts of the international community to positively support Afghanistan in properly addressing challenges in such areas as humanitarianism and economic development, encourage the interim government of Afghanistan to build an inclusive political framework, adopt moderate policies, and pursue good-neighborliness.

China and Pakistan also called on the international community to encourage the IEA to firmly combat terrorism, including not allowing its territory to be used for terrorist acts.

Both sides agreed to play a constructive role in helping Afghanistan to achieve stable development and integrate into the international community.

Pakistan has repeatedly claimed that attacks in its soil originate in Afghanistan. Islamabad has claimed that the attack on Chinese engineers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province had been planned in Afghanistan and the perpetrator was an Afghan.

However, the Islamic Emirate has rejected the claims and has always emphasized that it does not allow Afghanistan’s soil to be used against any other country.


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Iranian envoy urges IEA not to see advice as interference



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Iran’s special representative for Afghanistan, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, said on Saturday that advising the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) does not mean interference in its internal affairs, adding that the Tehran meeting was a good platform for the IEA which declined to attend.

Qomi stated this in a press conference after the second meeting of the regional contact group for Afghanistan between the representatives of Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran in Tehran.

The envoy emphasized that no country in the world has acted as much as Iran in supporting the people of Afghanistan and engaging with the Islamic Emirate.

He pointed out that Afghanistan’s neighbors are looking to prepare a “comprehensive road map” for rebuilding the country.

Referring to the first and second UN-sponsored Doha meetings on Afghanistan, Qomi said that what was discussed in the meetings was not something that would help Afghanistan.

He mentioned that one of the issues was the appointment of a special representative by the United Nations for Afghanistan, while UNAMA is present in Afghanistan.

The diplomat also noted that Tehran will help any initiative that paves the way for the Islamic Emirate as a responsible government, but if something is to be imposed or has no result, it will not support it.

He said that efforts are underway to change the agenda of the upcoming third Doha meeting, and the policy is that the Islamic Emirate attend the meeting.

The Islamic Emirate has confirmed that it was invited to the meeting in Tehran, but did not accept it.

Zakir Jalaly, Director of the Third Political Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan, said that the Afghan government expects that meetings on Afghanistan should be held through the existing mechanisms, not new ones.

He added that the Afghan government is engaged in discussions with relevant sides about the upcoming third Doha meeting.

The third Doha meeting on Afghanistan is scheduled to be held on June 30.

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