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US urges IEA to fulfill counter-terrorism commitments



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The US State Department said on Thursday that Washington is committed to ensuring that Afghanistan can never again be a launching pad for terrorism.

“We remain committed to ensuring that Afghanistan can never again be a launching pad for terrorism, and we continue to push the Taliban (Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan) to fulfill all of their counterterrorism commitments to the international community,” the department’s spokesperson Matthew Miller said at a news briefing in Washington.

He reiterated that the United States had clearly communicated to the IEA that it’s their responsibility to ensure that “they give no safe haven to terrorists, whether it be Al Qaeda or ISIS-K or any other terrorist organization”.

Miller also reassured US allies that Washington was closely watching the developments in Afghanistan and was ready to deal with any threat emerging from the region.

“We remain vigilant against the evolving threat of these terrorist groups, and our global coalition to defeat ISIS and the C5+1 help intensify our efforts to monitor terrorist threats from the region and prevent their ability to raise funds, travel, and spread propaganda,” he said.

C5+1 refers to a diplomatic platform involving the five Central Asian states (Kazakhstan, Kyrgy­zstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) and the United States. It serves as a forum for discussing and addressing regional issues such as security, economic development, and cooperation.

“The United States remains vigilant against the evolving threat posed by terrorist groups, including ISIS-K, and has maintained an unwavering focus on terrorism since President Joe Biden took office three years ago,” Miller said.

The US, he said, was “working both unilaterally and with its partners to successfully disrupt threats across the globe and degrade ISIS”.

“We will continue to work to hold ISIS accountable for its actions and to prevent terrorist attacks against the United States and other Western countries,” Miller said.

This comes as IEA has repeatedly said that it is committed to not allowing anyone to use Afghanistan soil against any other country.

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Over 20 security cameras installed in Badakhshan capital



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With the rise in security incidents in Badakhshan province, authorities have installed more than 20 security cameras in crowded places of the provincial capital Faizabad.

Provincial police say that they have installed 23 security cameras in Faizabad, which are active round the clock.

According to police, the cameras are installed for the purpose of ensuring security and preventing crimes.

“Cameras have been installed by police in public places and crowded places of the city. The quality of the cameras is very good and covers several kilometers,” said Azizullah Omar, the police chief of Badakhshan province.

Residents of Faizabad city welcome the move, saying it will improve security and help reduce crime rate.

“They did a very good job; It is very useful to prevent theft and provide security,” said Jalaluddin, a resident of Faizabad.

The security officials of Badakhshan say that with new measures, the security situation of the province has improved compared to the past and crime rate has also declined.

They say that they plan to install security cameras in the districts as well to enhance security and prevent criminal offenses.

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India says committed to supporting Afghans



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India’s Ministry of External Affairs spokesman Randhir Jaiswal says New Delhi is committed to supporting Afghans and this is the country’s “stable” policy towards the people of Afghanistan.

Jaiswal stated that India uses Chabahar port to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan and landlocked countries in Central Asia.

“It is our stable policy to support the people of Afghanistan, especially through humanitarian aid, food, medicine, etc. We use Chabahar for this specific purpose,” he said.

This Indian official added that Chabahar port is an important project to establish connectivity in the region and provide humanitarian aid.

Earlier, other Indian officials had said that New Delhi would try to connect Afghanistan and Central Asia through the Chabahar port and expand trade exchanges.

Chabahar is also an economic and commercial corridor. India’s focus, which is more on Chabahar, is because India can gain access to Central Asia and increase its trade from Afghanistan to Central Asia. The income is better for all countries and Afghanistan can also export from Chabahar to India and other countries,” said Mirwais Hajizadeh, deputy of the Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock.

Recently, India and Iran have signed a ten-year agreement for the development of Chabahar port, through which India can export its commercial goods to Afghanistan and Central Asian countries.

The development of Chabahar port is one of the tripartite projects between Iran, India and Afghanistan, the contract of which was signed in 1395 solar year between Kabul, New Delhi and Tehran.

Chabahar port is considered one of the options for Afghanistan and India to bypass Pakistan because, in recent years, trade and transit relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan have not been stable enough.

The Islamic Emirate also said that Chabahar port is one of the vital ports for Afghanistan and the country has a special place in the transit of the region.

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IEA says it will appoint new consul general in Iran’s Mashhad



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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) announced on Friday that Jaber Ansar has been dismissed as consul-general of Afghanistan in Iran’s Mashhad city, adding that a new diplomat will be dispatched to secure the post.

Zakir Jalaly, Director of the Third Political Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan, said on X that Ansar was involved in corruption.

Jalaly’s statement comes a day after Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman called on the officials of the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to act per internationally recognized methods for any changes and in their consular staff.

Jalaly emphasized that it will be the IEA which will decide who should take care of any Afghan diplomatic mission or consulate.

He said that a diplomat from Afghanistan Embassy in Tehran or the first secretary of the consulate in Mashhad will take care of the affairs of the consulate until the appointment of a consul-general.

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