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Iranian trade delegation visits Balkh for talks with Afghan businessmen



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An Iranian business delegation has traveled to Balkh province for discussions with Afghan businessmen, including farmers.

The meeting was organized by the Iranian Trade Center in order to support farmers and standardize Afghanistan’s agriculture sector in Balkh province.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Iran Trade Center said at the meeting that his country is helping Afghan farmers to mechanize agriculture and solve infrastructure problems in the sector.

Hossein Azari, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Iran Business Center, said: “I am honored to meet with the businessmen of Mazar-e-Sharif, the head of agriculture, livestock and irrigation of Balkh province, and the high-level officials of the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment, and I believe that success is more in teamwork.”

He added: “We hope that the infrastructure of agriculture, the infrastructure of production and industrial units, and the transfer of technical knowledge will become more prosperous with the help of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan, and in today’s meeting, there was a discussion on investment in different agricultural sectors in the axis of extra-territorial cultivation and creation of farm process of agricultural products..”

The Chamber of Commerce and Investment of the country also expressed hope that memorandums of understanding will be signed between Afghanistan and Iran.

Khairuddin Mayel, the deputy head of the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment, said: “Based on the memorandums signed in the center, we had a meeting with our Iranian friends, and they offered a proposal to standardize Afghanistan’s agriculture, and I think this meeting was very good and useful.”

He added: “I hope that a memorandum of understanding will be signed between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Afghanistan so that we can see progress in agriculture in our beloved country.”

At the same time, officials from the Balkh Department of Agriculture say that they need the support of neighboring countries, especially Iran, to standardize agriculture.

Shamsuddin Khalid, head of agriculture and livestock of Balkh, said: “We are ready to have a memorandum of understanding with the Islamic Republic of Iran and other countries to standardize Afghanistan’s agriculture.”

Efforts are being made to deal with the problems of farmers while the lack of water, the high price of chemical fertilizers, the high price of agricultural spices, the lack of cold storage facilities, and the lack of access to advanced agricultural tools are considered to be the basic problems of the farmers in the country.


New support fund officially launched for private sector



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A support fund for the private sector was officially launched on Thursday in the presence of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Nooruddin Azizi, acting Minister of Commerce in Industry, officials of various ministries and members of the private sector.

The private sector support fund has been established to achieve sustainable economic growth and development, reduce unemployment, create new job opportunities, trade balance, reduce obstacles and threats to private sector activities, and provide facilities in the trade and transit process.

Also, having a reliable financial source for implementing projects and programs related to the private sector, financing programs related to the National Ports Committee, building the required facilities in ports and crossings, creating laboratories and purchasing equipment for testing the quality of imported and exported goods, are among the main aims of this initiative.

Baradar said at the event that with this system, the level of unemployment will decrease and work opportunities will be provided for citizens.

He asked members of the private sector to speed up their “activities and perform them with better quality”.

Azizi in turn said: “The projects that are prioritized through the leadership committee of the fund and in consultation with the private sector will surely increase trade, reduce prices for consumers, and accelerate imports and exports.”

He said the Ministry of Commerce and Industry is committed to providing grounds for the development of the private sector.

The private sector support fund is meanwhile made up of leaders and technical committees.

The members of these committees consist of representatives of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, General Directorate of Affairs, Ministries of Commerce and Industry, Finance, Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, Economy, Energy and Water, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Mines and Petroleum, and sectorial chambers.

The main duties of the committee are leading, approving or rejecting proposed projects, determining the contribution amount for the fund, prioritizing the projects, monitoring the activities of the technical committee, monitoring the implementation of the projects, and submitting a report on the expenses of the projects to the highest authority.

This fund is financed through the help, assistance and donations of people and organizations at a national and international level and a small amount on taxes on imported and exported goods will go towards the fund.

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First Afghan trucks enter Pakistan on temporary entry permits



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Afghan trucks carrying commercial goods have entered Pakistan for the first time under a new system that involves temporary entry permits.

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce said that according to the new agreement between Kabul and Islamabad, Afghan trucks can enter Pakistan on these permits and that drivers do not need visas or passports to cross into the country.

These new temporary permits are being issued to Afghan truck drivers by the Pakistan Embassy in Kabul.

“We have reached an agreement with the Pakistani authorities to expand trade and exports between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and by the end of this year, drivers from both sides will be able to transport goods without visas,” said Abdulsalam Akhundzada, spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Similar documents are issued to Pakistani drivers by Afghanistan.

“A consignment of Afghan commercial goods entered Pakistan based on the new agreement. We hope that trade and transit between the two countries will be done without any problems this year,” said Naqibullah Safi, CEO of Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Chamber of Commerce.

According to reports, about 6,000 registered Afghan trucks and 9,000 Pakistani registered trucks are engaged in transporting commercial goods between the two countries.

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Central bank warns against dealing with unlicensed money changers



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Afghanistan’s central bank, DAB, has appealed to members of the public to refrain from exchanging foreign currency through unlicensed money changers.

DAB also warned the unlicensed money changers to immediately cease illegal transactions.

“If this decision is not implemented, legal action will be taken against the violators,” a statement issued by the central bank read.

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