Afghanistan Coronavirus updates: 369 deaths, total cases 2,0917



(Last Updated On: June 8, 2020)

At least 12 people have died of the Coronavirus in Afghanistan in the past 24 hours, bringing the total fatalities to 369, the Ministry of Public Health said.

According to the ministry, seven people in Kabul, four people in Helmand, and one person died in Maidan Wardak provinces who were suffering COVID-19.

Meanwhile, the ministry said that 575 people were tested positive for the Coronavirus in the past 24 hours.

The cases were recorded as follow: Kabul 193, Herat 151, Kandahar 39, Paktia 7, Nangarhar 23, Badghis 13, Takhar 5, Logar 22, Nimroz 10, Maidan Wardak 7, Parwan 13, Laghman 3, Helmand 39, Kunar 26, Ghor 10, Zabul 8, Badakhshan 1, and Daikundi 5.

It brings the total affected people to 20,917 in Afghanistan, the ministry added.

The ministry added that 329 people have been recovered and fully discharged from the hospitals in the past 24 hours. So far, 2,171 people have been recovered from the virus.

It comes as the government announced restriction guidance for the next three months. 

According to the guidance wearing masks in public is mandatory and any gathering of more than 10 people is and funeral ceremonies and parties are totally banned.

Party wedding halls, hotels, gymnasiums, auditoriums, parks, and other public sites including all educational centers would remain closed for the next three months. Under the plan, all educational centers could continue their activities via online platforms.

Meanwhile, a number of citizens who have visited the Coronavirus Centers to take the tests for the virus, in the capital and the provinces, say that the process has been stopped for several days now and the health authorities have rejected them due to the lack of diagnostic kits.


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