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Afghanistan Elected to UN Human Rights Council for First Time



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Afghanistan won a key election by securing a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council which was held in New York city.

There were five candidates contesting for four Asia-Pacific seats on the Council. Apart from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal and Qatar also won seats on the Council. Malaysia, with 129 vote, could not get elected.

All of the Human Rights Council’s members are elected by the world body’s General Assembly, and it has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year.

In the last seven decades into the UN, Afghanistan has gone through a journey of peace, stability and some degree of development in the 1950s to the 1970s; followed by an era of political instability and conflict, including times of discrimination and oppression of the people, in particular girls and women during the Taliban rule in the late 90s.


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Tehran to host regional meeting on Afghanistan



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A meeting of the regional contact group for Afghanistan with the participation of the special envoys of Iran, China, Russia and Pakistan will be held in Tehran on Saturday.

Rasul Mousavi, Director General of South Asia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, said on X that Tehran will host the meeting of the regional contact group for Afghanistan on Saturday, June 8.

He said that the consultation of the special representatives of Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia is on the agenda.

“Tehran meeting will be a message of peace, stability and development for Afghanistan and the region in the light of regional cooperation and integration,” he added.

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Women’s rights in Afghanistan not negotiable: rights groups



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Ahead of the third Doha meeting on Afghanistan, a group of international organizations advocating for human rights have written to the United Nations that the rights of women and girls in the country are “not negotiable.”

Eleven organizations including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are the signatories of the letter released by the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security.

In the letter, they stated that the space for women and girls to make their own decisions and live their lives gets smaller every day, adding that the international community’s approach to Afghanistan has failed to deter the IEA from imposing restrictions on women.

The organizations have asked the United Nations not to concede to any of the IEA’s stated conditions for participation in the Doha meeting, that would undermine addressing the protection of women’s human rights.

They said that all restrictions “violating the rights of Afghan women and girls, including, but not limited to, education, work, movement, assembly, expression and dress must be immediately and unconditionally removed.”

“Women’s full, equal, meaningful and safe participation in all aspects of public life and decision-making, including in any political process, must be guaranteed,” they added.

“Afghan women have been clear that the international community must refrain from granting the Taliban (IEA) a seat at the UN or inviting them to UN-convened meetings, reopening diplomatic missions in the country or handing over diplomatic missions outside of Afghanistan to them, or lifting sanctions – all of which risk legitimizing a regime that continues to violate women’s human rights, Afghanistan’s international legal obligations, and Security Council resolutions,” according to the letter.

The organizations said that while members of the international community are “moving perilously close to accepting the legitimacy of Taliban rule, Afghanistan’s women, who are bravely fighting back and paying a devastating price as a result, are not.”

This comes as the Islamic Emirate has emphasized that it is committed to ensuring the rights of women and girls in accordance with Sharia.

The third Doha meeting on Afghanistan will be held on June 30.

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IEA urges Germany to avoid deportation of Afghans to third country



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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) on Friday called on Germany to avoid deportation of Afghans to a third country, but address the matter through normal consular engagement.

It comes after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed Thursday that Germany will start deporting criminals from Afghanistan and Syria again after a knife attack by an Afghan immigrant last week left one police officer dead and several other people injured.

Abdul Qahar Balkhi, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in a statement that the ministry is monitoring the “decision to deport Afghan national from Germany.”

He expressed hope that “both countries could manage the matter through diplomatic channels to protect the rights of citizens in a manner that Afghan nationals may not encounter an unknown fate under one or another pretext, or in contravention to all established conventions, handed over to a third country.”

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls upon the German authorities to address the matter through normal consular engagement and an appropriate mechanism based on bilateral agreement,” he added.

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