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IEA condemns US veto of UN Gaza ceasefire resolution



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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has denounced the United States for its decision on Friday to veto a resolution in the United Nations Security Council calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

IEA’s foreign ministry in a statement said that the United States is using global entities to advance its own goals.

The statement said that instead of condemning and sanctioning the perpetrators of war crimes in Palestine on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, the US imposed sanctions on more officials of the Islamic Emirate, and this shows that the US considers human rights as a political tool.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs appreciated and supported the position of the countries that demand a ceasefire and a permanent solution to the Palestinian issue, the IEA said.

“The fact that the whole humanity has been held hostage by the political goals of one actor shows the unfair nature of the existing world order, destroys the weak credibility of entities claiming human rights, and highlights the need for a just world order,” the statement said.

Washington on Friday vetoed a US Security Council demand for an immediate ceasefire. Thirteen members voted in favor of the draft resolution put forward by the United Arab Emirates, while Britain abstained.

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Pakistani authorities ban entry of Afghans into Peshawar during Eid and Muharram

“Afghan refugees in Peshawar will face a complete entry ban during Eid-ul-Azha and Muharram,” Capital City Police Chief Qasim Ali Khan said, Pakistan Observer reported.



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Pakistani media have reported that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa authorities have banned Afghan refugees from entering the provincial capital Peshawar during Eid al-Adha as well as Moharram ul Haraam.

“Afghan refugees in Peshawar will face a complete entry ban during Eid-ul-Azha and Muharram,” Capital City Police Chief Qasim Ali Khan said, Pakistan Observer reported.

He added that these measures were taken to ensure security during the religious occasions of Eid al-Adha and Muharram.

According to him, police will re-conduct security audits of sensitive locations and places of worship.

Pakistani officials have repeatedly claimed that attacks in this country are orchestrated in Afghanistan and carried out by Afghans.

The Islamic Emirate, however, has rejected the claim, saying that Afghanistan is not responsible for Pakistan’s security failure.


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German police shoot to death an Afghan man who carried out attack

Police said the assailant, still armed with the same object, also attacked officers called to the scene. Two of the officers shot and wounded the man, who died soon after in a hospital.



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German police shot to death an Afghan man after he fatally attacked a compatriot and later wounded three people watching the televised opening game of the Euro 2024 soccer tournament in eastern Germany, police said Saturday.

The 27-year-old Afghan citizen first attacked a 23-year-old compatriot with a “knife-like object” in Wolmirstedt, a small town about 130 kilometers (80 miles) west of Berlin, on Friday evening, police said. The victim later died of his wounds, the Associated Press reported.

The man later attacked a group of people watching the soccer game between Germany and Scotland in the yard of private house, injuring three German men, two of them seriously, police said.

Police said the assailant, still armed with the same object, also attacked officers called to the scene. Two of the officers shot and wounded the man, who died soon after in a hospital.

Police said the motive for the attacks was unclear. The Interior Ministry in Saxony-Anhalt state, which includes Wolmirstedt, said police had increased their presence across the state. The soccer tournament is taking place in cities across Germany and runs through July 14.


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American officials warn Daesh could potentially attack on US soil

However, the Islamic Emirate has repeatedly said that Daesh has been suppressed in Afghanistan and is unable to carry out operations in the country.



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Multiple US officials have warned of a possible attack by Daesh group on United States soil following the arrest of eight Tajik nationals affiliated with the group, CNN said in a report.

The recent arrest of eight Tajik nationals believed to have connections to Daesh has heightened concerns among national security officials that a dangerous affiliate of the now-splintered terror group could potentially carry out an attack on US soil, according to multiple US officials who spoke to CNN.

Some of them have told CNN that the withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan has reduced Washington’s ability to collect information about the threats of terrorism in Afghanistan.

However, the Islamic Emirate has repeatedly said that Daesh has been suppressed in Afghanistan and is unable to carry out operations in the country.

“The US is concerned about the origins of Daesh, but the US, both inside and in the regions of the world where Daesh activities are possible, should use advanced technologies, defense and security forces to suppress Daesh,” said Mohammad Radmanesh, a former military official.

Four days ago, eight Tajik nationals were arrested in the cities of New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia on charges of being connected with Daesh, according to CNN.

According to experts, meanwhile, Daesh is a means for powerful countries to create terror in the region.

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