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IEA orders all government entities to procure domestic goods over imported products



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Under the guidance of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Office, a meeting aimed at bolstering the industrial sector and supporting locally manufactured goods was held at Marmarin Palace on Monday.

Officials from key ministries, including finance, interior, industry and commerce, economy, the general directorate of intelligence, and representatives from the private sector participated.

Significant decisions were made to strengthen the domestic industrial landscape. The Afghanistan Chamber of Industry and Mines will formally present domestic products to the Tariff Committee, which will follow a meticulous process of assessing quality, quantity, and pricing. The Tariff Committee, which is made up of officials from the general directorate of intelligence, Afghanistan Food and Drug Authority, and Afghanistan National Standard Authority, will determine import tariffs so as to ensure domestically made goods are prioritized on the local market.

Their findings will be reported to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs. Furthermore, in alignment with Resolution No.19 of the Cabinet of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, all government institutions are mandated to prioritize the use of domestic products in their procurement processes. This commitment extends to cases where the quality of domestic products may lag behind foreign counterparts by 10 to 15 percent.

Government entities are directed to maintain comprehensive lists of domestic products and seek quotations accordingly during procurement. To address security concerns for industrialists and investors and foster effective coordination, it was resolved that within three days, the Ministries of Interior, Finance, Industry and Commerce, the General Directorate of Intelligence, and the Chambers of Afghanistan Trade and Investment and Industry and Mines will designate competent representatives to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs.

Additionally, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce assumes the pivotal role of submitting product names, marks, and brands for anti-counterfeiting measures to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs.

As a concluding mandate, the Tariff Committee, under the stewardship of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, will comprehensively investigate the existing challenges related to invoice execution between the Chambers of Commerce and Investment and Industry and Mines.

Their findings and recommendations will be presented to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs.


First Afghan trucks enter Pakistan on temporary entry permits



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Afghan trucks carrying commercial goods have entered Pakistan for the first time under a new system that involves temporary entry permits.

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce said that according to the new agreement between Kabul and Islamabad, Afghan trucks can enter Pakistan on these permits and that drivers do not need visas or passports to cross into the country.

These new temporary permits are being issued to Afghan truck drivers by the Pakistan Embassy in Kabul.

“We have reached an agreement with the Pakistani authorities to expand trade and exports between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and by the end of this year, drivers from both sides will be able to transport goods without visas,” said Abdulsalam Akhundzada, spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Similar documents are issued to Pakistani drivers by Afghanistan.

“A consignment of Afghan commercial goods entered Pakistan based on the new agreement. We hope that trade and transit between the two countries will be done without any problems this year,” said Naqibullah Safi, CEO of Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Chamber of Commerce.

According to reports, about 6,000 registered Afghan trucks and 9,000 Pakistani registered trucks are engaged in transporting commercial goods between the two countries.

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Central bank warns against dealing with unlicensed money changers



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Afghanistan’s central bank, DAB, has appealed to members of the public to refrain from exchanging foreign currency through unlicensed money changers.

DAB also warned the unlicensed money changers to immediately cease illegal transactions.

“If this decision is not implemented, legal action will be taken against the violators,” a statement issued by the central bank read.

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IEA issues tax exemption to businesses with annual turnover of under 2 million AFN



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Administrative Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Salam Hanafi says based on a decree of the leadership of the Islamic Emirate, all business owners whose turnover is under two million afghanis will be exempt from paying tax.

Speaking at a meeting in Kabul on Thursday, Hanafi said the IEA is committed to creating more and better facilities for the nation and the private sector.

“All shopkeepers and traders with annual sales of up to two million Afghanis are completely exempt from taxes,” said Hanafi.

Acting Minister of Finance Mohammad Nasir Akhund also said the decree is being implemented to reduce and cancel out taxes from the beginning of this year.

Nasir Akhund stated that the implementation of the tax exemption initiative will have positive effects on the general activities of the private sector in the country.

“We are truly grateful to Amirul Momineen (Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada) who has always stood shoulder to shoulder with the nation and the private sector and supported the private sector,” said Nooruddin Azizi, acting Minister of Industry and Commerce.

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