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India to send 20,000 metric tons of wheat to Afghanistan



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India announced on Tuesday that it will send 20,000 metric tons of wheat to Afghanistan via Iran’s Chabahar Port.

The announcement came after India hosted a meeting with special envoys from Central Asian countries on Tuesday, to discuss the situation in Afghanistan.

At the first meeting of the India-Central Asia joint working group on Afghanistan, the participating countries discussed the current situation in Afghanistan, including the political, security and the humanitarian aspects.

Also discussed was the need for a “truly inclusive and representative political structure” and regional threats of terrorism, extremism, radicalisation and drug trafficking.

According to a joint statement the participants also emphasized that the “territory of Afghanistan should not be used for sheltering, training, planning or financing any terrorist acts.”

Attending the meeting were hosts India, and special envoys or senior officials of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Country representatives of the UN Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) and UN World Food Programme (UNWFP) also participated.

“While emphasizing the respect for sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity and non-interference in its internal affairs, the sides reiterated support for a peaceful, secure and stable Afghanistan,” the statement read.

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IEA’s PM urges opponents to take advantage of general amnesty

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister for Administrative Affairs Abdussalam Hanafi said in his Eid speech at Sapidar palace that Eid is now celebrated in Afghanistan in a peaceful environment.



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In his speech before the Eid prayer on Monday, Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund called on opponents of the Islamic Emirate to take advantage of the general amnesty and live a peaceful life inside the country.

According to a statement released by the PM’s office, Hassan asked the officials and forces of the Islamic Emirate to treat the people with courtesy and respect.

He also called on businessmen to assist orphans, widows and poor families.

The prime minister performed the Eid prayer in Arg together with some members of the cabinet, civil and military officials and representatives of different sections of society.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister for Administrative Affairs Abdussalam Hanafi said in his Eid speech at Sapidar palace that Eid is now celebrated in Afghanistan in a peaceful environment.

He expressed hope that Afghanistan will reach permanent stability and development.


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Afghan, Iranian acting FMs discuss bilateral cooperation, Gaza war



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Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri Kani in a phone call with his Afghan counterpart on Sunday discussed bilateral cooperation and the situation in war-ravaged Gaza.

According to a statement released by Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Baqeri announced Iran’s readiness to help Afghanistan resolve the challenges it is facing and achieve development.

He called for joint action by Islamic countries to exert pressure on Israel and bring an end to its attacks against Palestinians in Gaza.

Meanwhile, Muttaqi congratulated Baqeri on Eid al-Adha, and described ties between the two countries as good. He expressed hope that mutual cooperation is expanded further.

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IEA’s supreme leader ‘ready to quit’ if asked to, but won’t tolerate division

He also emphasized the need to ensure women’s Shariah rights and said that they should be given their inheritance rights.



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Stressing the importance of unity, Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada, the supreme leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), said in his Eid al-Adha speech on Monday he is ready to step down from his position if asked to, but he does not want division.

Akhundzada said that the enemies will benefit from division among Afghans.

“I don’t want division. If one day everyone unanimously dismisses me from this position, I will accept it, but I will not accept dispute and division. Grip on power is strengthened with division. If I try to divide people, they will not agree on me. They will be engaged in disputes among themselves. But I don’t want that. This is Pharaoh’s policy. This is a satanic policy,” he said.

The leader of the Islamic Emirate emphasized that the current system is a Sharia-based system and should be strengthened. He said that this government ensures justice, but only if there is unity.

“Try to create brotherhood and unity among yourselves,” he said. “Almighty Allah is testing us… we should put aside our worldly and satanic desires and submit ourselves to the pleasure of Allah… We were not created to achieve worldly desires, to earn money and to gain worldly honor. Rather, we were created to serve Allah.”

Akhundzada recommended that each other’s faults should not be expressed openly, but in secret.

He also emphasized the need to ensure women’s Shariah rights and said that they should be given their inheritance rights.

In his speech, the leader of the Islamic Emirate also addressed the issue of Palestine and prayed that Allah would make the Palestinians victorious against Israel.

He said that the superpowers of the world neglect the killing of women and children in Gaza, but offer advice to the Islamic Emirate.

“Women and children are martyred. How do you advise me and request me and want me to accept your demands? Both infidels and Muslims have closed their eyes. Brothers! Today it is you who raise the voice of Islam. The world has bid farewell to Islam,” he said.


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