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Maiwand District Attack claimed 17 causalities



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KandaharA group of armed militants wearing police uniforms have stormed in security headquarter of Maiwand district of Kandahar Province early mid noon on Monday.

The Governor spokes person Samim Khpulwak has confirmed the attack and said ,”one suicide bomber has detonated his explosive vest at the Mainwand district security headquarter entrance the other two have began to fight with Afghan security forces.

Ariana news reporter Barialay Rahimi told fighting ended after one hour of resistances.

As the result of the armed attack 5 suicide attackers wearing police uniform, one police officer and 4 civilians were killed, 7 civilians including 3 police forces were injured in the attack took place in Maiwand district police headquarter of Kandahar Province early this afternoon.

Ariana news reporter Barialay Rahimi told fighting ended now police forces control the area.


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German government discusses deportations to Afghanistan via Uzbekistan

The delegation suggested to the Uzbek government that Afghan depor­tation candidates should be brought to Tashkent. From there they could be transported to Kabul via private airline KamAir, the report said. 



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Ger­many’s government is holding talks with Uzbekistan to enable deportations from Germany to Afghanistan without direct consultations with the Taliban, according to a report in German magazine Der Spiegel on Sunday.

A delegation from the interior ministry travelled to the Uzbek capital Tashkent in late May for this purpose, the magazine said.

The delegation suggested to the Uzbek government that Afghan depor­tation candidates should be brought to Tashkent. From there they could be transported to Kabul via private airline KamAir, the report said. 

Earlier in June, Germ­any’s interior minister Na­ncy Faeser said Germ­any was considering depor­ting Afghan migrants who posed a security threat back to Afghanistan, after a deadly stabbing of a police officer drew calls for a tougher line on migration.

The Uzbek government wants to sign a formal migration agreement with Germany before a deal on deportations, the Spiegel report said.

This agreement should regulate the entry of Uzbek skilled workers into Germany, and Berlin’s special representative for migration agreements will travel to Uzbekistan next week, Spiegel said.

A week ago, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) called on Germany to avoid deportation of Afghans to a third country, but address the matter through normal consular engagement.


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Afghan PM calls for ‘people to support the system’

He called for Muslims, especially pilgrims, to pray for the Palestinian people, and he emphasized solidarity for Palestine.



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Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund delivered his Eid message on Saturday and called on the people to strongly support the Islamic system because people’s support is very important in maintaining and strengthening a system.

“My message to the people is to firmly support their Islamic system, to cooperate with the officials in good works, because the cooperation of the people is very important in protecting and strengthening the system,” he said.

Akhund also asked the officials of the Islamic Emirate not to hesitate to help the people in any way.

He called for Muslims, especially pilgrims, to pray for the Palestinian people, and he emphasized solidarity for Palestine.

Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman for the IEA, also referred to Akhund’s speech. He said: “Hassan Akhund called on the security forces and all emirate organizations to provide better services to the people. He asked the people to be more empathetic and cooperative with the Islamic Emirate and the regime, to provide good support for reconstruction projects and economic programs, and to cooperate with the security forces.”

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Baradar launches construction of a township for flood victims in Ghor

The township will have 1,000 housing units, of which 200 units will be built by the Islamic Emirate, provincial police said in a statement.



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Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the economic deputy prime minister, on Sunday laid the foundation stone of a township for flood victims in Firoz Koh, the capital of western Ghor province.

The township will have 1,000 housing units, of which 200 units will be built by the Islamic Emirate, provincial police said in a statement.

The statement added that efforts will be made to build the remaining houses with the help of businessmen.

During his trip to Ghor, Baradar also met with some scholars and teachers of religious schools.

He said in the meeting that due to the recent floods in Ghor, many people have suffered heavy financial and human losses.

He added that the Islamic Emirate has used all the available resources to help the affected people, and the relevant ministries and departments are doing their best to help them.

Dozens of people have died and thousands of families have been affected by the floods in Ghor province.


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