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NATO Troop Levels in Afghanistan Will be Decided Later This Year: Stoltenberg



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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday  they have not decided exact troops levels for 2018 in Afghanistan, adding that it will be decided later on this year.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting of the Heads of the States and Government in Brussels on Thursday, Stoltenberg said: ” First of all we haven’t decided exact troop levels for 2018. Some allies also announced that they’re willing to increase their force contributions. But the exact force or troop levels will be decided later on this year.

“We reviewed our training mission in Afghanistan, and we agreed that we will continue to sustain our mission. I welcome that several Allies came forward today with new troop contributions. And on the basis of our review, we will take further decisions in the coming weeks.”

NATO is expected to increase the number of its troops in Afghanistan as the Taliban continues to cause serious threats to the government forces in the country.

The alliance have around 13,000 forces in the country mainly engaged in training, assisting and Advising mission with Afghan security forces.

“What we are aiming at and the purpose of our training mission in Afghanistan is to strengthen the capabilities and the capacities of the Afghan National Security Forces to fight Taliban and to fight the different terrorist groups in Afghanistan. And we are in particular working with the Afghan special operation forces,” NATO Secretary General said.

Stoltenberg said that developing Afghan Air force is key in the fight against insurgents and NATO is helping them in regard.

“We are also helping them to improve command and control,” he said.  

He also said there is difficult situation in Afghanistan, “there will be more violence, more challenges, and still many,  many unsolved problems in Afghanistan including the issue of corruption.”

“But we have made progress especially in building a strong national Afghan army and security force which has proven capable, professional and able to take over responsibility for the security in Afghanistan, without NATO forces conducting combat operations, but with our support.”


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Afghan PM calls for ‘people to support the system’

He called for Muslims, especially pilgrims, to pray for the Palestinian people, and he emphasized solidarity for Palestine.



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Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund delivered his Eid message on Saturday and called on the people to strongly support the Islamic system because people’s support is very important in maintaining and strengthening a system.

“My message to the people is to firmly support their Islamic system, to cooperate with the officials in good works, because the cooperation of the people is very important in protecting and strengthening the system,” he said.

Akhund also asked the officials of the Islamic Emirate not to hesitate to help the people in any way.

He called for Muslims, especially pilgrims, to pray for the Palestinian people, and he emphasized solidarity for Palestine.

Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman for the IEA, also referred to Akhund’s speech. He said: “Hassan Akhund called on the security forces and all emirate organizations to provide better services to the people. He asked the people to be more empathetic and cooperative with the Islamic Emirate and the regime, to provide good support for reconstruction projects and economic programs, and to cooperate with the security forces.”

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Baradar launches construction of a township for flood victims in Ghor

The township will have 1,000 housing units, of which 200 units will be built by the Islamic Emirate, provincial police said in a statement.



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Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the economic deputy prime minister, on Sunday laid the foundation stone of a township for flood victims in Firoz Koh, the capital of western Ghor province.

The township will have 1,000 housing units, of which 200 units will be built by the Islamic Emirate, provincial police said in a statement.

The statement added that efforts will be made to build the remaining houses with the help of businessmen.

During his trip to Ghor, Baradar also met with some scholars and teachers of religious schools.

He said in the meeting that due to the recent floods in Ghor, many people have suffered heavy financial and human losses.

He added that the Islamic Emirate has used all the available resources to help the affected people, and the relevant ministries and departments are doing their best to help them.

Dozens of people have died and thousands of families have been affected by the floods in Ghor province.


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IEA to attend upcoming UN-sponsored meeting on Afghanistan in Doha

The third UN-sponsored Doha meeting on Afghanistan is scheduled to be held on June 30.



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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) announced on Sunday it will attend the upcoming United Nations-sponsored conference on Afghanistan in Doha.

“A representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will participate in the upcoming Doha meeting and will represent the people and the government of Afghanistan,” said Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman of IEA.

The third UN-sponsored Doha meeting on Afghanistan is scheduled to be held on June 30.

IEA had refused to join the second round of the conference in February when the UN rejected its demand to act as Afghanistan’s sole official representative, according to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.


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