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Republicans and Democrats agree U.S. war in Afghanistan wasn’t worth fighting: poll



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At a time when Americans are deeply divided along party lines, a new poll shows considerable agreement on at least one issue that is the United States’ two-decade-long war in Afghanistan was not worth fighting, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday.

The poll from the Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs suggest the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, seen by many as chaotic and ill-planned, may have been a turning point for President Joe Biden’s approval ratings, which started a downward slide around that time and have not recovered since.

Two-thirds of Americans say the war in Afghanistan was not worth fighting; 65% of Democrats and 63% of Republicans agree on that evaluation. Many have doubts about how successful the U.S. was at accomplishing more specific goals such as eliminating the threat from extremists or improving opportunities for women.

“It was unwinnable from the beginning,” said Martin Stefen, a 78-year-old Republican who lives in Carson City, Nevada. He said the U.S. should have paid closer attention to what happened to the Soviet Union, which waged a decade-long war in Afghanistan during the 1980s only to pull out in defeat in 1989. And, he said, the U.S. should have had a more specific end goal for how it wanted the war in Afghanistan to go and a better understanding of the country’s tribal politics.

That thought was echoed by Justin Campbell, a 28-year-old Democrat from Brookhaven, Mississippi. He said it was clear after the U.S. was entrenched in Afghanistan that it didn’t have very deep support. Campbell said he’s not pleased that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) is back in control.

“But I don’t think it was worth us staying over there,” he said.

Maliha Chishti, a lecturer and research associate at the Pearson Institute, said she was struck by the fact that after 20 years of war, so many American and Afghan lives lost and billions spent, the vast majority said they felt Afghanistan was not friendly to the U.S. or was an outright enemy. She said the responses demonstrate a frustration on the part of Americans and the need to ask questions about what went wrong with America’s attempts to intervene in Afghanistan.

“We invested all of this money to really build a state from scratch and when we left, that state completely collapsed,” she said.

Many Americans also say the United States was not successful with many of its key objectives in Afghanistan.

Eliminating the threat of terrorism in Afghanistan during the war is still seen as an important goal by many across party lines: 46% of Democrats and 44% of Republicans called that highly important. But only about one-quarter in each group said this successfully happened during the war.

Slightly fewer than half — 46% — say the U.S. and its allies were successful at the goal of apprehending or killing the individuals who were responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, compared with 25% who think the U.S. was unsuccessful in achieving that goal.

Only about one in five Americans say the U.S. successfully improved opportunities for women and girls in Afghanistan, with 43% saying such efforts were unsuccessful. But many said advancing the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan was important to them. About three quarters said that goal was extremely, very or somewhat important to them.

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Russian defense chief calls for enhancing security of Tajikistan-Afghanistan border



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The situation in Afghanistan highlights the need to strengthen Tajikistan’s border with the country and take other measures to ensure regional stability, Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov said.

“In the Central Asian region, the situation in Afghanistan remains the main source of instability. Numerous radical groups have gained a foothold there, stepping up attempts to promote their ideas in the neighboring countries. The risk of gangs and terrorism spilling outside the country is growing,” he pointed out, addressing a meeting of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Council of Defense Ministers in the Kazakh city of Almaty, TASS news agency reported.

According to him, all this requires “constant monitoring and prompt measures aimed at ensuring regional stability.”

“Those particularly include efforts to strengthen the Tajik-Afghan border,” he noted.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has previously dismissed countries’ security concerns over Afghanistan, emphasizing that it will not allow Afghanistan’s soil to be used against any other country.

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IEA holds firm grip on Afghanistan which is crucial for Russia: Kabulov



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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) holds a firm grip on Afghanistan which is crucial for Russia, Zamir Kabulov, Russia’s special presidential representative for Afghanistan and Director of the Foreign Ministry’s Second Asia Department, said.

“We believe that this government is holding consistent control over the country. This is fundamentally important for us,” Kabulov said on the Rossiya-24 television channel, TASS news agency reported. “As any disintegration of Afghanistan would have the most negative reverberations across the region.”.

Kabulov considers that Russia can cooperate with Afghanistan in exporting oil products and ensuring that country’s food security.

“Ensuring the basic essentials for the Afghan economy in the broad sense of this word. Of course, they are oil products, but far beyond that,” he said when asked what form of Russia’s economic cooperation with Afghanistan may be possible.

“Food security is also a [discussion] topic for the Afghan authorities in order to enhance cooperation, and to ensure the supplies of the most needed foodstuffs,” Kabulov added.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on May 27 that the initiative to remove the IEA from the list of terrorist organizations “reflects awareness of reality.” Kabulov told TASS earlier that Russia’s Foreign and Justice Ministries had briefed President Vladimir Putin that the IEA could be removed from the list of banned organizations.

On May 28, Putin emphasized the need to build relations with the IEA as they were in power in Afghanistan and controlled the country.

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Over 20 security cameras installed in Badakhshan capital



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With the rise in security incidents in Badakhshan province, authorities have installed more than 20 security cameras in crowded places of the provincial capital Faizabad.

Provincial police say that they have installed 23 security cameras in Faizabad, which are active round the clock.

According to police, the cameras are installed for the purpose of ensuring security and preventing crimes.

“Cameras have been installed by police in public places and crowded places of the city. The quality of the cameras is very good and covers several kilometers,” said Azizullah Omar, the police chief of Badakhshan province.

Residents of Faizabad city welcome the move, saying it will improve security and help reduce crime rate.

“They did a very good job; It is very useful to prevent theft and provide security,” said Jalaluddin, a resident of Faizabad.

The security officials of Badakhshan say that with new measures, the security situation of the province has improved compared to the past and crime rate has also declined.

They say that they plan to install security cameras in the districts as well to enhance security and prevent criminal offenses.

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