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Gov’t Tries to Influence on Media Outlets: NAI



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NAI-Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan says the government is trying to have an influence on media outlets to hide the facts and its failures.

The media has many different shapes and forms that are used as a tool to store and deliver information to a certain public.

The chief executive of NAI, Mujib Khelwatgar believes that the government is now an opposition against the media outlets and has not taken any step in giving information and impunity to journalists.

Journalists also say that the government has failed to fulfill its commitments and they were nothing just as slogans.

“In most cases, the government ignores to give information to journalists. The issue has become a serious concern for the journalism society. It also indicates that the government only support the media in its slogans,” said Nawid Muhammadi, journalists.

Fahim Serat, another journalist added, “The government usually escapes to respond the media outlets and mostly tries to hide the facts.”

The nongovernmental organization advocating for open media in Afghanistan-NAI has always criticized the government officials over denying information.


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Haqqani seals agreements with the UAE during visit to Gulf nation



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Sirajuddin Haqqani, Afghanistan’s interior minister, has wrapped up a trip to the UAE, which according to the Islamic Emirate resulted in a number of agreements being reached.

Haqqani met high-ranking UAE officials during his trip including Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the ruler of Abu Dhabi.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the IEA’s spokesman, said Wednesday that following numerous meetings, Haqqani reached a number of agreements with the UAE.

The two sides agreed to strengthen bilateral relations; for Afghanistan to solicit cooperation from the UAE in the healthcare and infrastructure sectors for the security entities of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan; to secure the release of Afghan prisoners in the UAE; to facilitate the issuance of visas to Afghans by the UAE, with a commitment to establish a mechanism for this in the near future.

The two sides also agreed on the digitalization of the traffic management system within the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Afghanistan.

While the West still doesn’t recognize the Islamic Emirate as Kabul’s government, countries in the Middle East, Central Asia and elsewhere have reached out to them.

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Environment is being destroyed due to the world’s profiteering: Hanafi



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Deputy Prime Minister for Administrative Affairs Abdul Salam Hanafi said Wednesday that over the last four decades, the use of various weapons in Afghanistan has destroyed the environment, and the countries that produce the most greenhouse gasses should cooperate with affected countries.

Marking World Environment Day in Kabul, Hanafi said that climate change has destroyed half of Afghanistan’s forests and water has not been managed in the country.

“Today, the environment has been endangered and destroyed more than ever due to the profiteering of the world’s industrial powers. The increasing pollution of soil, water, air and sound has threatened the environment and caused irreparable damage to it,” said Hanafi.

However, he added that the Islamic Emirate has undertaken large and national programs to prevent desertification, resilience against drought, and land restoration.

Meanwhile, UN envoy Roza Otunbayeva also warned that Afghanistan’s beautiful and unique environment is under threat.

She called for urgent adaptation, better resource management and ecosystem restoration to halt climate-related floods, drought, and desertification.

Otunbayeva emphasized that the country is severely affected by climate change and environmental degradation.
Referring to recent floods in Afghanistan, she highlighted that at least 20,000 homes were destroyed. In response to the floods, the United Nations provided food supplies to 10,000 people and shelter to another 2,500, she said.

Otunbayeva also pointed out that decades of war have inflicted significant damage on Afghanistan’s environment. She stressed the importance of collective efforts to preserve the country’s natural beauty.

“Afghanistan has a beautiful environment, and we must strive to protect it,” she concluded.

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Afghan Saffron wins top place in its category in world tasting contest



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Afghan Saffron Company has secured first place in the world for the 9th time for its locally grown saffron.

According to Belgium’s International Taste Institute, Afghan Saffron was granted the prestigious 2024 Superior Taste Award, certified by the institute’s jury of some of the world’s best chefs and sommeliers.

Founded in 2005, the International Taste Institute holds its annual assessment of food and drink products in order to help companies improve the quality of their products and increase their sales with the renowned Superior Taste Award certification.

Annually, saffron products from countries around the world are evaluated by the institute.

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