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IEA leader adamant all issues to be resolved within framework of Islam



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In his pre-recorded speech during Eid prayers in Kandahar, the leader of the Islamic Emirate once again emphasized the implementation of Islamic rules in the country and said that the IEA is ready to resolve problems with the world within the framework of Islam.

Sheikh Hibatullah Akhundzada said those who criticize the IEA for implementing Islamic Sharia law in Afghanistan want to disrespect Islamic laws because the Islamic Emirate does not compromise on Islam and Sharia law.

He said they are ready to resolve the problems with the world but only within the circle of Islam. He said they will not compromise on Islam in any way and will not take a single step backwards.

The leader of the Islamic Emirate advised IEA officials to be aware of conspiracies by enemies of the country who are trying to defeat the Islamic Emirate through divisiveness and propaganda.

Referring to the general amnesty, Akhundzada said the West and the United States called them terrorists, but if they were terrorists, they would have killed those who had fought them during the war. He said they did not do so, and even those who had caused them physical and financial losses were also forgiven.

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UN Women call for global action ‘to end restrictions on Afghan women’



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UN Women said in a new report that the violation of women’s rights in Afghanistan after August 2021 is unprecedented in its scope and effects and called for urgent global action to end the restrictions imposed on Afghan women.

The organization described the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan as having lost forty years of progress in the last three years.

According to the report, only one percent of women feel they have influence in society, and almost all other women have spoken of not having a choice and losing their authority and influence.

“The current situation in Afghanistan presents unprecedented challenges for gender equality at the global level. Since August 2021, the Taliban (Islamic Emirate) have systematically destroyed Afghanistan’s legal and institutional infrastructure, particularly targeting those who have supported gender equality and advances in women’s empowerment,” the report read.

The organization linked the educational restrictions on women and girls in Afghanistan with maternal mortality and said that the exclusion of 1.1 million girls from school and the banning of more than 100,000 more from studying at universities has had devastating effects on the current generation.

However, the Islamic Emirate has repeatedly said that women’s rights in the country are more protected than ever before and in accordance with Sharia law.

Later this month is the Doha meeting and human rights organizations are hoping that the rights of Afghan women are top of the agenda. No details on the meeting agenda have yet been released.

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More than 1,000 recovered drug addicts in Herat return home ahead of Eid

Doctors said the process of treating addicts in the large rehabilitation center in Herat is working out well and that most recovered addicts are able to return to their normal lives



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More than 1,000 drug addicts in Herat province have been discharged from a rehabilitation facility in Herat city after treatment, local officials confirmed Tuesday.

According to officials, the addicts received treatment for between six and 12 months.

They said the addicts have all recovered and will return home to their families in time for Eid al-Adha.

Doctors said the process of treating addicts in the large rehabilitation center in Herat is working out well and that most recovered addicts have returned to their normal lives.

Drug addicts have undergone treatment at a rehab center in Herat

For the past year, addicts have undergone treatment at this rehabilitation center, which officials said has the necessary facilities to treat addicts.

Doctors believe that the current method of treatment has proved effective and that there are few cases of recovering addicts returning to addiction.

At the same time, the Herat Anti-Narcotics Police have said that those who cultivate, produce and smuggle drugs will be dealt with harshly. Currently, most drug dealers in Herat city have been arrested, so the process of treating drug addicts continues smoothly, they said.

According to officials, in addition to the large rehabilitation center in Herat, there are also four small centers for female addicts.




Russia’s deputy minister of interior praises IEA for its fight against drugs

Efforts being made to eradicate all traces of drugs: Mujahid

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Minister of education calls for foreign help to build schools

The gathering, chaired by the Minister of Education of Russia, began with a message from President Vladimir Putin.



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Habibullah Agha, the Acting Minister of Education of Afghanistan, highlighted the educational situation in Afghanistan during his statement at the Second Global Conference of Education Ministers in Kazan, Russia, this week and called for international assistance to help boost the sector in the country.

He said Afghanistan needed international assistance and cooperation over building of schools, printing textbooks, and paying teachers’ salaries.

Habibullah also expressed gratitude to the organizers of the conference.

The gathering, chaired by the Minister of Education of Russia, began with a message from President Vladimir Putin.

The Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation also delivered speeches via an online link.



Acting education minister heads to Russia to attend an international forum

Moscow format members confirm attendance at Kazan meeting

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